Paris- Thanx God I'm a VIP
Thank god I found this shop. I stumbled across it in an Internet search last time I was in Paris for work. The reason why Thanx God I'm a VIP is so good, is that it has a real point of view, is extremely organized(by color), and has a wide selection at a wide range of price points. Sure there is stuff that's over 100 euro, but I would say most stuff here hits in a sweet spot of 125-300 euro.
They are located in a neighborhood sort of above the Marais, at 12 rue de Lancry, at the Republic stop on the subway. Plan to walk around a little, there are a few other vintage shops between here and the Marais.
Thanx God I'm a VIP is a great store for those looking for wearable, good quality, vintage and modern designer pieces, at a good price. It's an easy place to shop, because it's so well organized and there are always new items to check out!